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Knit Hook Sew — crochet

A wrap up of our May 2019 fundraiser for Cure Brain Cancer Foundation (CBCF)

craft craft prjects crafting together crochet crumbz craft cure brain cancer fundraiser knitting state schools relief program yarns

A wrap up of our May 2019 fundraiser for Cure Brain Cancer Foundation (CBCF)

Our fundraising month of May this year was spent raising funds and awareness for Cure Brain Cancer Foundation (CBCF).  When we approached them to tell them we would be fundraising with a series of events and an overnight Yarn-a-Thon they were (understandably) excited as no-one had ever fundraised for them in this way before.  They sent us stickers, pens and mini colourful cranes – the crane is their logo, and information on the story behind it and what the colours represent. That got Kay thinking (any excuse to get creative that one!) and knowing how people had loved crocheting butterflies for...

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A Wrap Up of our Yarn-a-Thon Fundraiser for beyondblue in May 2018

beyondblue craft crafting together crochet crumbz craft fundraiser knitting

A Wrap Up of our Yarn-a-Thon Fundraiser for beyondblue in May 2018

Here's a quick wrap up of the highlights of our beyondblue fundraiser this May where we raised a staggering $8,835 with your help - a massive thank you to all who contributed, donated, supported and cheered us on with brownies and home made cake!


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4 Most Essential Things to Consider when Substituting Yarns

craft projects crochet crumbz craft fibres knitting learning to knit yarns

4 Most Essential Things to Consider when Substituting Yarns

One of the most important factors to bear in mind when you’re thinking of using a different yarn than the one suggested in a pattern, is that the pattern writer wrote that particular pattern with that specific yarn in mind. So, to get the same drape and loft and look as the garment in the picture on the front of your pattern – you’re going to want to get the best possiblesubstitute yarn. And as you’re about to find out, a yarn is made up of a series of different attributes, so there’s a lot to consider in your substitution. Say...

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It's a wrap - summarising our brilliant Yarn-a-Thon in May 2017

charity knit craft prjects crochet crumbz craft fibres fundraiser knitting yarn-a-thon yarns

It's a wrap - summarising our brilliant Yarn-a-Thon in May 2017

Our 'all-night-knit' in May was such a success and so popular, everyone has asked if it can become an annual fundraiser, and we’re thrilled with that idea. Watch this space for details of next year’s Yarn-a-Thon – we have decided we will be fundraising to support mental health and to raise awareness about it. After all, physical health is only one part of our overall health; emotional and mental health is essential for us all to function at our best and we’re excited to be supporting it. This May we chose to support FCAV, Foster Care Association of Victoria, with...

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The Secret Art of Blocking

blocking craft prjects crochet knitting yarn techniques

The Secret Art of Blocking

Shara Lambeth is our expert at Crumbz Craft when it comes to blocking – here’s what she had to say about it.   When did you first come across blocking Shara? People have been blocking for probably as many years as they’ve been knitting, but it’s more popular and well known now. About 7 or 8 years ago it became the ‘in’ thing and everyone began talking about it. As soon as I tried it and realized what an amazing difference it made to my finished work, that was it, I was hooked. Here are 3 snapshots of blocking my...

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